Brand analysis with B Index
“In my opinion, Health, Accessibility, Eco-sustainability and Innovation will be the driving factors of the world economy and I believe that they will determine the future of our planet” Gianni Bientinesi (CEO Business Intelligence Group)
How brand analysis works with B Index
BIG Researchers and Analysts have developed B Index: a tool for brand analysis and both a research methodology that allows you to understand how much a Company is considered “intelligent” by its target audience. This means you can get how much it is recognized for his commitment to offer accessible, innovative, eco-sustainable and health-conscious products or services.
From a scientific point of view the great news was managing to bring together a series of approaches in a coherent way: focus groups, online interviews, web analysis through AI and macro trends from institutional sources.
Thanks to this methodology it is possible to bring together a personal point of view, an indirect one and a third of context: the result is summarized in performance index ranging from 0 to 1000.